Scientists try to understand the world by critically thinking about data. This is why I strive to facilitate as many learning opportunities as possible for my students. I believe students, like scientists, must ask questions, determine appropriate ways to investigate those questions, and conduct meaningful and authentic investigations to try to answer those questions. This will not only prepare them for future careers, but will also develop the critical thinking skills needed for them to become leaders.
"Science is experience becoming rational. The effect of science is thus to change men's idea of the nature and inherent possibilities of experience... Instead of being something beyond experience, remote, aloof, concerned with a sublime region that has nothing to do with the experienced facts of life, it is found indigenous in experience: -the factor by which past experiences are purified and rendered into tools for discovery and advance."
~John Dewey, Science in the course of studyStudents bring with them a wide variety of relevant experiences to the process of science in our classroom. I believe it is important to use that diversity as a learning tool - one in which students can build from past experience, making content relevant and interesting. Learning takes a variety of forms, and by allowing students to transform their knowledge and understanding into many different modes, each student will be successful.
Thank you,
Jeff Welt
As always, feel free to contact me